The Latvian Prison Administration (LPA), with the support of Norway Grants, is working to improve the training environment available to correctional staff.
Over the last decade, significant changes have taken place in the correctional service system, and the goal of Latvia's prison reform is not only to enforce modern sentence execution in modern prison infrastructure, including adequate, safe and modern work environment, but also the improvement of the capacity of the staff working in the system and its professional development.
LPA in cooperation with the State Probation Service is implementing the European Social Fund project, which includes activities aimed to improve prisons and probation service staff selection and recruitment system. Given the steps taken to ensure the development of an efficient and modern staff training system, the biggest challenge now is to create a modern training environment that meets the needs of an improved staff training system. With the support of Norway Grants, LPA can continue what has been started by implementing the project "Establishment of training centre infrastructure and model prison blocks for training opportunities in the Olaine prison territory" within the framework of which on 17 February 2021 a contract was signed for the construction of a new Training Centre. Norway Grants funding in the amount of 85% has been attracted for the project implementation.
LPA Training Centre will be established in the territory of Olaine Prison, where the focus will be on the creation of premises necessary for the acquisition of practical skills. The Training Centre will have rooms for acquiring theoretical knowledge, conference hall, rooms for group lessons, computer class, sports complex, dormitory, library, and the LPA museum.
More information about the project is available here:
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The Latvian Prison Administration project "Establishment of Training centre infrastructure and model prison blocks for training opportunities in the Olaine prison territory" No. 1-6.4/2-2019 is implemented within the framework of the Norway Grants 2014–2021 period programme "Correctional Services".